Choosing a Ration Balancer


What is a ration balancer? It is well known that a horse consuming just hay or pasture will almost always be missing some key vitamins and minerals in their diet. A ration balancer is a concentrated source of the necessary vitamins and minerals that a horse requires. These feeds are typically low in caloric value […]

Electrolyte Supplementation


As we enter into the warmer months here in Ontario, many horse owners will begin to use electrolyte supplementation products for their horse. This blog post is going to provide a brief overview of electrolyte supplementation and what recent research is telling us! Electrolytes Electrolytes are involved in many physiological processes. They play a role […]

The Science Behind Slow Feed Changes


Most horse owners know that feed changes should be made slowly, and do implement this well. However, I often come across people switching forage sources abruptly. This article is going to delve into the science behind why feed changes should be made slowly and highlight the importance of gradual changes not just for pelleted feeds […]

What You Need to Know About Salt Licks


Sodium chloride (salt) is an essential aspect of the equine diet. Sodium plays a crucial role in many body processes such as the maintenance of body temperature, nerve function, chemical transport, regulation of pH and regulation of osmotic pressure. When sodium is deficient in the diet there can be a plethora of negative health consequences […]

Probiotic Supplementation


As an independent equine nutritionist, I come across many horse owners that supplement their horses with some type of gut support product. This article is going to dive into some of the science behind probiotics! Let’s start today’s blog post with some definitions -> Probiotics: microbials that deliver live bacteria to the horse’s gastrointestinal tract and […]

Creating Good Pasture for Your Horse


Proper pasture management can make a significant difference in yield and allow your horse to graze more, in turn, consuming less supplemental hay. As a general rule, horses will graze 0.26 lbs of dry matter per 220 lbs of body weight per hour. If your horse is 1000 lbs and grazes for ~16 hours this […]

The Popular Ingredients in Joint Supplements


Introduction If you think about it, the equine joint is pretty amazing. The joint must tolerate these extreme forces without pain or failure. Unfortunately, osteoarthritis is an extremely common career limiting health issue. Due to this, equine joint supplements are extremely popular. Prior to discussing the supplement ingredients in detail, understanding some of the basic […]

What You Need to Know About Omega-3s

Why Feed Omega 3s? In equine nutrition, there is a big push for feeding omega-3s with all sorts of fancy oils on the market. The main underlying metabolic mechanism is that omega 3s are an anti-inflammatory fatty acid. These are required for basic physiological functions and are key components of many tissues and organs. In […]

When to Add Supplements

The Supplement Industry The equine supplement industry is wild! There are an overwhelming number of options, and there seems to be a supplement for just about everything. As a horse owner, it can be challenging to know which ones are worth the money and which simply aren’t. Research has estimated that over 80% of horse […]

All About Water

I have recently had multiple clients ask me about water consumption in relation to equine nutrition. Did you know that water is one of the 6 main nutrient categories according to the NRC, 2007. Therefore, it should not be overlooked. This week’s blog post is going to summarize some interesting research as well as provide […]