
professional collaborations

Starline Podcast

All About hay analysis

Hay analysis isn’t just for those purchasing hay. It’s for every owner of every horse to ensure a healthy and balanced diet is being reached. Good forage is the foundation of diet and can’t be chosen by sight alone. 

Check out this podcast episode with Madeline Boast of Balanced Bay Nutrition for practical solutions for horse owners.

In-Person Educational Seminar

Greenhawk London

Madeline has been invited to host an evening seminar at Greenhawk in London Ontario. Topics for the event include understanding digestive anatomy, deciphering your hay analysis, and gaining valuable insight into choosing optimal products for your horse’s unique nutritional needs. 


The event will run on Thursday September 26th from 6-8pm at 4356 Colonel Talbot Road, Lambeth ON.

The Canadian Horse Journal

educational content creation

Balanced Bay is very excited to announce a new regular collaboration. Madeline will be writing educational articles for The Canadian Horse Journal. If you don’t get this magazine, you’re missing out! It is packed with fantastic information to improve equine care and well-being.


Stable Management

educational content creation

Stable Management is a new collaboration! There will be regular educational articles written by Madeline. Browse the list of articles below:

Ask the Horse

live podcast

Madeline was invited to be an expert panelist on Ask The Horse Live for their August episode. This episode dives in to what a microbiome is and the various strategies for promoting optimal microbiome health in your horse. Listen to the episode here.

Peer Reviewed


If you’ve followed Balanced Bay for awhile, you will realize that easy keepers get discussed frequently. Check out this published research article that Madeline is an author on! Read it here.

Horses in the Morning


As an independent equine nutritionist, Madeline is a expert guest on the ‘Horses in the Morning’ podcast. Follow the links below to listen to the episodes.

Stable Management


Check out the link below to listen learn all about creating a balanced diet for your horse!

Equine Nutrition

seminar presentation

In collaboration with Concord Equine (in Ottawa Ontario) Madeline will be ran a full day equine nutrition focused clinic. From foundation and functional nutrition to the newest research is was a fantastic science packed day! 

Can-Am Equine Expo


Madeline was invited to present at the Can-Am East Equine Expo. The event ran from March 22nd to March 24th, 2024. Madeline had 3 seminar presentations covering the foundational equine diet and diving into the research on functional supplements! 

Thank you to all that attended!


educational content creation

Balanced Bay has been working with OptiMizer on a variety of education projects. Madeline has used an OptiMizer for her personal horse for over 7 years! Their focus on forage-first coincides with the values of Balanced Bay.

Hoof Doctor

Educational blog posts

Hoof Doctor is an exciting collaboration. Madeline loves to collaborate with companies that share a passion for research and evidence backed information. In addition to event attendance such as the Laminitis Clinic and Can-Am, Madeline will also be writing monthly educational blog posts about nutrition in relation to hoof health. 

Forage First

seminar presentation

In collaboration with Hay OptiMizer and System Equine Madeline presented on forage-first diets. 

This lecture covered both why a forage-based diet is important to equine well-being and how to optimize your horse’s forage-based diet. This lecture was presented twice at the 2023 Can-Am Equine Expo and once as a seminar evening at System Equine. 



Madeline was invited to present on the nutritional management when a diagnosis of endocrinopathic laminitis has been made. She was honoured to be a clinician alongside Dr. Michael Steward, Steve McConnell and Dr. Stephanie Crawford. This clinic was held February 11-12th, 2023 at the Ancaster Fair grounds. 

It was a great weekend full of learning with many passionate professionals and horse owners!!


Equine Guelph

course creation

Through attending the University of Guelph, Madeline had the opportunity to work with Equine Guelph on the creation of a course!

Senior horses are amongst her favourite to work with as it is so rewarding when they thrive into their elderly years.

The Rider

Writing Collaboration

Balanced Bay has been collaborating with The Rider newspaper. Madeline’s “Fridays with Finn” blog posts are featured as a column in each issue. Some of the articles featured in the newspaper will be exclusive to The Rider, therefore, make sure you subscribe!