Summer Educational Series – Webinar 2


Webinar attendance for the July 10th, 2024 Summer Educational Series webinar.

This science-packed evening will dive into understanding water, salt & optimal electrolyte supplementation!

As the warmer months arrive, optimal electrolyte supplementation is truly critical for active horses. Did you know that you can delay the onset of fatigue by over 22% when a properly formulated performance electrolyte is supplemented?!

This webinar will dive into the topics of hydration, salt requirements, and how these requirements change with heat and workload. Additionally, you will learn how to optimally supplement your horse to prevent dehydration and improve performance in hot weather. There will also be a Q&A after the presentation, so ensure to bring any and all burning questions you may have.

The event will be on July 10th, 2024, from 7-8pm EST. A recording will be sent out and will be available for 14 days after the event.