Summer Educational Series – Webinar 1


Webinar attendance for the June 5th, 2024 Summer Educational Series webinar.

This science-packed evening will dive into understanding carbohydrates in the equine diet!

With common health concerns such as equine metabolic syndrome, pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID), and polysaccharide storage myopathy (PSSM) being prevalent, an increased number of horse owners are interested in learning how to feed a diet that is low in non-structural carbohydrates.

This webinar will dive into the science, discuss the ever evolving research and provide practical take-home messages. There will also be a Q&A after the presentation, so ensure to bring any and all burning questions you may have.

The event will be on June 5th, 2024, from 7-8pm EST. A recording will be sent out and available for 14 days after the event.