Calories in the Equine Diet

Digestible energy content of the diet, also referred to as the calorie content, is in my opinion, one of the most overlooked aspects of equine nutrition. Many horse owners will focus in on the protein percentage of their feed, or the sugar content of the hay, however, calories are rarely discussed. Adequate weight management is […]

Nutritional Considerations for Senior Horses

As the colder weather approaches, I have an influx of inquiries for senior horse consultations. Owners always want to do what is best for their horse, so it can be concerning when your beloved horse is under-conditioned as we head into the winter months. Defining a Senior Horse At what age is a horse considered […]

Energy Content of Horse Hay

If you follow the educational content that Balanced Bay publishes, you have likely heard the importance of hay testing stressed many times. Hay is often the majority of what a horse consumes, so it only makes sense to know what the nutritional value is! It is common that when horse owners receive their hay analysis […]


Vitamins are an essential aspect of balanced nutrition. They are involved in a plethora of body processes and are important for regular body function. There are two main categories of vitamins that horses require: fat-soluble vitamins which include E, D, A and K and water-soluble which include B and C. Please note that there are […]

Iron in the Equine Diet

Iron is an essential trace mineral for horses, meaning that it is required in the diet in small amounts. These minerals are required in mg/kg or parts per million (ppm) as opposed to grams. Iron plays a critical role in a variety of body processes, most notably is the role that it plays in oxygen […]

What You Need to Know About New Hay

Hay season can be a stressful time for many, from the farmers harvesting it, to the horse owners purchasing it. With the variety of variables that influence the nutritional quality and safety, there are many considerations to be made. During this time of year, I receive tons of questions about new hay. Is it safe […]

Supplements for Metabolic Horses

If you have spent any time in barns, chances are that you have seen some over conditioned horses. Equine obesity is a prevalent welfare concern and predisposes horses to serious health issues such as laminitis. This week’s blog post is going to dive into the research on some of the supplements that are marketed for […]

Grazing Muzzles (What does the research say?)

Equine obesity is an epidemic across the industry. From studies that illustrate judges scoring overweight horses higher (6), to equine obesity prevalence publications showing that about 50% of the evaluated populations are classified as overweight or obese (2, 7, 8, 9). It is a serious issue in the industry that is negatively impacting equine well-being. […]

Active Ingredient vs. Product Research in Equine Nutraceuticals

It is no secret that equine dietary supplements are a hot topic! This past weekend at the Can-Am Equine Expo one of my seminars focused on dietary supplements and how horse owners can critically evaluate the research behind the products they are purchasing. One of the concepts that was covered was the difference between active […]

The Different Types of Ulcers in the Equine GI Tract

Gastric ulcers are sores that form on the stomach lining in the horse. Research has estimated that the prevalence may be up to 90% in some demographics. Working horses tend to be more at risk of developing this disease due to the intensive management they are often exposed to. When equine gastric ulcers are discussed, […]